
On any Linux-based host system with docker and docker-compose packages installed: Get the latest menoci release version, for example by cloning the official Gitlab repository:

  • git clone
  • cd menoci to enter the new directory

For a quick exploration, use the docker-compose setup:

  • start with command docker-compose up -d
  • Open localhost in web browser, proceed with Drupal installation (choose SQLite database since no other database is available for this container)

More permanent installation should be done via HTTPS and preferably to path /opt/docker/menoci

When using docker-compose.yml file to orchestrate webserver and database containers, be sure to correctly map the database service name from the compose file to database hostname during Drupal installation:

Database configuration

Database choice

  • Installation with MySQL/MariaDB as a database server is recommenced.
  • SQLite may be a valid choice for testing purposes but some Drupal database mapping may diverge between engines.
  • Only MySQL/MariaDB is tested and validated by the development team.

Proxy HTTPS Settings

If you operate the menoci container behind a reverse proxy that adds HTTPS support, additional configuration is required to tell the Drupal instance about its base URL:

  • First you need to fetch the settings.php from the running Drupal/menoci Docker container:
    docker cp drupal_container:/var/www/html/sites/default/settings.php /local/path (paths may differ in your installation...)
  • Edit settings.php: Set the variable $base_url to your full URL including https:// protocol
  • Re-transfer the edited file into the container file system:
    docker cp /local/path/settings.php drupal_container:/var/www/html/sites/default/settings.php
  • Restart the container, docker restart drupal_container
  • if settings.php is not writable permissions need to be changed
    • chmod 644 sites/default/settings.php
    • and chown www-data: site/default/settings.php

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